Monday, 19 May 2014

Web 2.0-Introduction to linkwheel

The term "Web 2.0" was first coined in January 1999 by Darcy DiNucci, a consultant on electronic information design. This system  breaks  the old model of centralized Web sites and moves the power of the Web/Internet to the desktop.  O'Reilly Media and MediaLive hosted the first Web 2.0 conference in 2004, then it get popularity . Netscape framed "the web as platform". Bloggers and by technology journalists were chamiopns of web 2.0 in beginning. Web 2.0 sites allow users to do  many more things other  than retrieve information. User not only read but also can write or contribute to the content in friendly manner. Cloud computing is an example of Web 2.0 because cloud computing is simply an implication of computing on the Internet. Web 2.0 offers all users the same freedom to contribute.Features of web 2.0 include:Folksonomy- It  allows users to collectively classify and find information for free.Rich User Experience- dynamic content; quick response to user input
User as a Contributor- information flows two ways between site owner and site user by means of evaluation, review, and commenting
Long tail- services offered on demand basis; profit is realized through monthly service subscriptions more than one-time purchases of goods over the network
User Participation - site users add content for others to see
Basic Trust - contributions are available for the world to use, reuse, or re-purpose
Dispersion - content delivery through file sharing and permalinks
Mass Participation
Social networking sites
User created Web sites
Self-publishing platforms
Social Bookmarking


Finding information through keyword search.


Connects information together into a meaningful information ecosystem using the model of the Web, and provides low-barrier social tools.


The ability to create and update content leads to the collaborative work of many rather than just a few Web authors.


Categorization of content by users adding "tags" — short, usually one-word descriptions — to facilitate searching, without dependence on pre-made categories 


Software that makes the Web an application platform as well as a document server. For example- Adobe Reader, Adobe Flash, Oracle, ActiveX, QuickTime etc.

Web 2.0 is described in three parts:
 RIA —Rich Internet Application. It defines the experience brought from desktop to browser whether it is from a graphical point of view or usability point of view. Some buzzwords related to RIA are Ajax and Flash.
WOA —Web-oriented architcture is a key piece in Web 2.0, which defines how Web 2.0 applications expose their functionality so that other applications can  integrate the functionality providing a set of much richer applications. Examples are feeds, RSS, Web Services, mash-ups.
Social web — defines how Web 2.0 tends to interact much more with the end user and make the end-user an integral part. The social Web consists of a number of online tools and platforms where people share their perspectives, opinions, thoughts and experiences. Web 2.0 applications tend to interact much more with the end user.
The client side technologies used in Web 2.0 development include Ajax and Java Script frameworks such as YUI Library, Dojo Toolkit, MooTools, jQuery, Ext JS and Prototype Javascript Framework.
 The server side technologies are PHP, Ruby, Perl, Python, Enterprise Java and Microsoft.NET Framework.
Web 2.0 in Marketing
Web 2.0 offers an opportunity to engage consumers for marketers.  Web 2.0 tools are widely used to collaborate with consumers on product development, service enhancement and promotion by marketers. Companies can use Web 2.0 tools to improve business relations with both its business partners and consumers. Among other things, company employees have created Web sites that allow users to add, delete, and edit content — to list answers to frequently asked questions about each product, and consumers have added significant contributions. Web 2.0 offers financial institutions abundant opportunities to engage with customers. Networks such as Twitter, FB become common for spreading messages. 
Linkwheel, a tool for any website use for submitting content to web 2.0 platforms. It is use for web promotion. It link content with main site.
As  web 2.0 is use to take backlinks for your website. Your website get link with othr websites. Linkheel remains because  of domain authority, free to host website & RSS to get good result.
Linkwheel has web 2.0 platforms i.e. free blogger or website with content ,video and RSS sites.  It improves ranking by making a real looking linking pattern  when  search engine crawls and site get links from other website.
Google Caffenine update index and process real time cod. Web 2.0, SMO & RSS become important for ranking. Linkheel work better on Caffenine. If linkwheels are implemented properly, they are completely safe to us on any site.

1 comment:

  1. very usefull info thanx....


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